Six sigma improve phase pdf

Run charts display process performance over time Ans: C Operational Definitions provide: Sixsigma mcqs A. A definition of the type of data to be collected B. A statistically valid sample size C. A clear, precise description of the factor being measured D. All of the above Ans: C The main purpose of a stratification plan is: Sixsigma mcqs A. To prove statistical validity B. Define categories to slice and dice the data C. Determine which statistical tool to use D.

To identify solutions Ans: B Simple graphical displays are used in the Measure phase to: Sixsigma mcqs A. Show baseline information B. Determine stability C. Represent central tendency D. All of the above Ans: d Process capability indices, Cp and Cpk, are: Sixsigma mcqs A.

Productivity measures B. Financial measures C. Quality measures D. Time measures Ans: C The main purpose of the analyze phase is to: Sixsigma mcqs A. Identify possible solutions B. Create a pilot plan C. Identify and validate root causes D.

Validation of root cause is made only when which standard s is met: Sixsigma mcqs A. The data is normal C. Knowledge of the process corroborates this causal relationship. In other words, during this phase, teams focus on eliminating the root causes and implement the improvements. Additionally, design the action plan to monitor the continuous improvements. Also, best practices including running a pilot to ensure success and validate the conclusions. Six Sigma is a systematic problem solving approach that is centered around defects elimination and variation reduction which leads to process improvement.

Particularly, DMAIC is a logical framework that helps you think through and plan improvements to a process in pursuit of achieving a Six Sigma level of excellence.

The main purpose of the Improve phase is to identify various solutions using brainstorming techniques and also apply the affinity diagram to generate and select solutions. First, use clarification, duplication, categorization, and multi-voting to choose a set of solutions.

Then, apply must and want criteria to prioritize the order of those solutions to be implemented. The Improve phase is approximately an 8 to 10 weeks process based on resource availability for implementing the solution. This methodology aims to improved safety, quality, and efficiency. The effect therefore is reduced cost and waste, and improved management. The approach is called the Five S because of a very plain idea.

All five actions start with a letter S. Benchmarking is another tool that can be used during the Improve phase. This is a procedure used to calculate various characteristics of a certain process in relation to the most excellent practice. This permits the group to develop strategies on how to implement such best practice, typically with the intention of increasing some characteristics of performance.

The Solution Selection Matrix is another tool material to Improve phase. This tool allows project owners to review the knowledge regarding the process and its cause verified. The activity includes brainstorming of possible solutions and combining those solutions into one main process.

In order to achieve better solutions, three simple steps should be followed.


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