Sharp calculator el-w516x manual

Matt, If you find it let us know too. The information is usable for newer Casio and Sharp scientific calculator models as well. It is the little brother of your model. Its not like I "needed" another calculator but couldn't pass up a Text Book display calculator for that price.

It's not important. It's a minor compulsion. I can deal with it if I want to. Post: 3. Post: 4. Post: 5. The TI can!

The variable x now has the number that solve arrived at. If you type in the equation and enter it, you get the value of f x at that point.

Nicely, since x root of y is available, answers are available for negative numbers where something like 3 root of x is involved. Post: 6. I tried this earlier and it stayed busy for a while so I didnt think it would work I found these other related undocumented operations the TI36X can do: - Use 2nd Integral in num-solve to solve for uppper, lower limits or even coefficients used in the expression. Post: 7. Funny you should bring that up. Great minds think alike! Post: 8. Don't have the Sharp.

Post: 9. Post: Without having to re type my equation, I can now go to the home screen, hit enter, and f x will come up, evaluated for the x that was calculated for f' x. Your description is quite fascinating.

So I can do this correctly, could you please describe the steps a little more, perhaps a step-by-step example of this? Press table, select choice 2, create your function, clear, press table, choose choice 1 and make f f x. Choose a guess and solve for x. You can then quit, press table, select 1 and enter getting f make that f x , enter and get f x value. Press x, enter, and get the value of x.

I'll try this. The rest of my operations allowed for me to find f x at that value without having to re type the function. Tried it and it worked. Perhaps there's a different method to their madness. I got an EL-WX a few months ago.

Unfortunately, I found what I deem an unacceptably low precision computing a natural log: Correct value to 9 significant figures: ln 0. I cannot remember the source for this test.

In this manual, ke y operations are described as follo ws:. T o specify e. T o specify ln:. T o specify E:. When y ou specify the.

Numbers f or input values are not. T o specify the multiplication operator: k. WriteView and Line. The WriteVie w editor default The Line editor. Press P to display the menu. The parameters are. Y ou can do the same thing by.

Used to perform arithmetic operations and function calculations. DRILL mode: b 2. Used to practice math and multiplication tab le drills. CPLX mode: b 3. Used to perform complex n umber calculations. LIST mode: b 5. Used to solve equations. Press J to display the. The follo wing three angular units degrees, radians , and grads. Selecting the display notation and decimal places. Five displa y notation systems are used to display calculation.

Entering 0 will set a digit display. A number is automatically displayed in. NORM1 J 1 3. NORM2 J 1 4. Note: Any entries will be cleared when you change the editor. Press j to exit. When using the Line editor , you can change the entry method. After you s witch to the ov erwrite method by pressing J. Y ou can save a username in this calculator. When you turn the. Up to 32 characters ma y be saved, split o ver two lines. Entering and editing the user name:.

Press J 5. Use u and d to scroll. The follo wing characters. Pressing l or r mov es the cursor to the left or right. T o modify a character , use l or r to mov e the. Press l or r. Repeat steps 2 and 3 abov e to continue entering characters. Note: Press Z in the editing screen to clear all the.

In the WriteView editor , you can. If the equation grows too large , it may e xtend off the edge of the. If you w ant to see the entire. When possible, calculation results will be displa yed using.

When you press U , the displa y will. Y ou can see those par ts by. In the case of mix ed. In the Line editor , you can enter. If you w ant to see. Just after obtaining an ans wer , pressing l brings you to. Press l or r to jump the cursor to. In the WriteView editor , you can use u and d to. T o delete a number or function, mov e the cursor to the right of. Y ou can also delete a number or function. Other functions may be a vailab le on this calculator besides.

These functions are accessed. The MA TH menu has different contents. This calculator is equipped with a function to recall previous. Pressing u will display the pre vious equation. In addition, u can be used to jump to the. This calculator performs operations according to the f ollowing. Subtraction and division are perf ormed in the same manner. For m ultiplication, the multiplicand becomes a constant. Integral and diff erential calculations can be performed in.

Note: Since integral and diff erential calculations are performed. Perf orming integral calculations. Press F. Specify the follo wing parameters: range of integr al initial. Y ou do not need to specify the number of subinter vals. If the. T o cancel. Note that there will be greater integral errors when there are. For the f ormer case, divide integral intervals as small as. For the latter case, separate the positiv e and negative.

Follo wing these tips will allow you to obtain results from. Perf orming differential calculations. Press G. Specify the follo wing parameters: function with variab le. Y ou do not need to specify the minute inter val. If the min ute. Note: Par ameters are entered in the following w ay:. Press I. Specify the follo wing parameters: initial value , end value ,. Y ou do not need to specify the increment. If the increment is. The random function has f our settings. This function cannot be.

T o generate further. Note: In the WriteView editor , if the result is not 0 it can be. T o simulate a die-rolling, a random integer between 1 and 6 can.


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