It rolls very well. Drag to copy, and click to paste. Adjust the drawing pen size. Drag to move. If you like the downloaded data, rate it. Voting helps to keep the quality of the work high. Upload only 1 time in 1 day. Only the author can upload his or her downloaded data. Up to 50 data can be uploaded within 12 hours.
You can vote only 1 time for each work. There is a possibility that contains the offended content. Also, I try not to upload with a specific keyword. Please do not include advertisement in the work.
Save the data by copying and pasting on somewhere like a notepad. If you like the downloaded data, rate it. Voting helps to keep the quality of the work high. Upload only 1 time in 1 day. Only the author can upload his or her downloaded data. Up to 50 data can be uploaded within 12 hours.
You can vote only 1 time for each work. You can't vote for works older than 3 months. There is a possibility that contains the offended content. Also, I try not to upload with a specific keyword. Please do not include advertisement in the work.
Save the data by copying and pasting on somewhere like a notepad. Only the author can obtain the downloaded data. After 12 hours, if the artwork receives more deletion requests than voting, the artwork will be automatically deleted. Seed no longer grows with or less dots. Dot limit. Snow Powder Game element. Wheel bug fix. Erase , Clear function changed. Wind added to menu. Speed optimization. Doubled the total amount of dots.
Left click, right click. Pen Size. Bloc Later changed to Block. A link to an automatic translation into English by Google is also available. The upload PG Thanks by Rock! Categories Powder Game Timeline. Universal Conquest Wiki.
Thunder Ball addition. User Ranking addition. Pen -lock addition same function as the original Pen-Line. Mercury , Bug fix Soapy ball. Menu addition. Salt , Seawater. Line replaced with Pen free and Pen line. Second Player. Player Attribute. Grid , shortcut to Pen-S , menu back to normal. Enabling the first reaction available on Powder Game.
Game creation.