The 3D Vision profile is rated as Excellent, but the game looks a bit too flat by default for my personal preferences and there is of course no convergence adjustment present in the menu. The sequel of the action RPG game Torchlight has just been released and the good news is that the game looks very nice in stereo 3D mode mode when player on 3D Vision-equipped PCs.
Nvidia has a profile for Torchlight 2 and the game is rated as Excellent, though there is a note that some things render at wrong depth. Generally there are no serious issues apart from the fact that some objects are really rendered at wrong depth for example the character model at the inventory panel, it is more like some annoyances like elements from the HUD such as various info messages popping up that are in 2D or the mouse cursor rendered in 2D.
The HUD itself is rendered at screen depth and the nice thing is that you can make it smaller if you are one of the people that wants to get more depth. Generally the game looks nice in stereo 3D mode, so you should give it a try, there is a free demo version also available that you can download and test with. The game Borderlands 2 is out now in some regions and should be released in others as well in the next few days.
Feature Requests. Sort by. Topics details. Virtual Reality. By Recency Recency Votes Hot. Filters 2. Mark as read. Home renovation. Tricks on Fortnite. Jetson nano 4 GB Developer kit not working. Fixed: Major stuttering on some games, no issues on others. VR toast. PUBG add request. Most vr games are unplayable. Anyone used the Quest 2 headset?
Which server should I connect to? Virtual Reality In Community Talk. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Search Join Now Login. Sort By. Notification Preferences. Forum Actions. Report Post. Yah, tis pretty fail that Nvidia refuses to offer side by side to their consumers, making their users resort to TriDef.
Thanks for the guide. Looks good, text is readable but I couldn't play more than 20 minutes because of the VR dizzyness. It helps to lower your stick sensitivity to the lowest while looking around. After finishing this game, Tales from the Borderlands is a treat with Tridef.
I set inside the Tridef in-game console for the outer 3d field to 97 instead of for the custom focus to get a slight popout effect. Batman The Telltale Series This one actually looks nice since the screen is large but needs to have Power3D turned on with additional settings modified to make it work correctly.