Also known as Data Head, these red cards are your general knowledge questions. Questions are generally basic trivia, truth or false, or sometimes include multiple choice answers. Also known as the Star Performer, these green cards will typically ask players to act out a scenario or activity. You may also have to do an impression of something or someone or hum a tune for others to guess.
They generally play like Charades or the Concept board game. Specific cards in each of the categories will be marked with the Club Cranium stamp. If one of these cards is drawn, then all teams must do the challenge. The first team to get the correct answer will get a bonus roll of the dice. The aim of the Cranium board game is to be the first team to reach Cranium central!
While this might sound easy, it will often be quite challenging. The key to winning at Cranium is to have a well-balanced team or skillset. But most people will likely have at least one or two categories they dread. The first thing to do is deal with the equipment. Give each of the teams a paper pad and pencil, then place each of the challenge card boxes in the four corners of the board. Once your team holds one card from each deck, move into Cranium Central.
On your next turn, the other teams must agree on the deck for your final activity attempt. Home Games Cranium Game Rules. Your team must be the first to reach Cranium Central and complete a final activity successfully.
Name required. Email will not be published required. Website optional. Cranium Rules: How do you Play Cranium? Object The purpose of the game is to be the first to move around the entire board and into the Cranium Central. Materials You will need a pawn or place marker for each team. Setting up the board Cranium rules have the option of adjusting the board for longer or shorter play time.
Play To begin playing place one token for each team on the board. On Your Turn You begin your turn by completing an activity. All Play Cards When an all-play card is drawn all the teams complete together. Fast Track When you play the full length Cranium rules version, you have the opportunity to take the fast track. Set out the board and divide it into two or more teams of at least two players each.
Give each team a pad of paper and a pencil. Place each box of cards in its corresponding corner symbol. Place the timer and die in the center of the board.
Each team chooses a game piece and places it on the start space. The team with the person whose birthday is coming up next goes first. On every turn, your team gets one chance to move. The team to your right draws the next card from the deck that matches your spot on the board and reads it to you. If your team successfully completes the activity described on the card before the timer runs out you get to roll and move. If your team is not successful you stay where you are and try again on your next turn.