Or perhaps your web hosting company will allow you to upload files through their control panel. Either way, you MUST become familiar with transferring files to your web server. You will also need access to a cgi bin. A cgi bin is nothing more than the folder on your web server where the cgi files will sit. This access is also granted by the web hosting company.
If you do have access, you should already have a folder called "cgi-bin" somewhere on your server. Some web hosting companies may call it something slightly different so be sure to double check with them before you begin uploading scripts. If you do not have a folder on your server, but you know you have access to a cgi bin, then you can create the folder on your own.
Create the folder either by using your FTP program or by using your web hoster's control panel. Now that you've identified your cgi bin, you're ready to find a script, edit it, and then upload it to your web site for your use. My favorite site is www. They have a variety of free cgi scripts for message boards, chat rooms, guestbooks, games, banner rotations, and so much more.
If your new string is shorter than the original, make judicious use of the insert key and pad with spaces if necessary.
If the string you're putting in is longer than the original, that makes things a good deal more complicated. You would have to find the place where the length is written and replace that. It will not be plaintext, so you would need a hex editor to do so. Mine and artlung's suggestions are functionally identical, though the methods used to execute the CGI differ: Mine: would make use of an HTTP request from the script to execute the CGI in the same way as if the request was coming directly from a browser.
Artlung's: would execute the CGI directly as a system call. Artlung's would be more efficient, while mine would probably require fewer privileges for the wrapper script. Best answer: You probably need to use a Hex editor so you can edit the file without disturbing the binary bits. Also if this is too clunky, you can open up the cgi file in a hex editor, copy the bytes from the XML part, and paste them into a new empty file.
Then edit that file with a standard text editor, making sure that the total number of characters is the same when you're done. Once you've made your changes, open that new file in the hex editor again, then copy and paste those bytes back into the original cgi file. You probably won't be able to figure out a way to actually make the xml section longer, although it would probably be technically possible if you knew enough about the format of that file.
Do you happen to know the source language? These days, many binaries are actually programs for some kind of virtual machine Java,. Net, etc. If this turns out to be compiled C code, you probably won't be able to decompile it. There are tools but they usually won't get you the whole source code. My suggestion, in that case, is to use a dissassembler to convert it to assembly language, edit the strings that way they'll be string constants and then reassemble it when you're done.
Do a Google search for it, free program. Senior Member joined:Dec 29, posts votes: 0. Textpad is great too.
Technically not free, but if you don't mind closing the "buy now" windows, it's free. I eventually paid though. Felt guilty ;. Thanks GeorgieK50 and Walkman, for the help. I am able to use Notepad and Wordpad to edit, if I get more involved I will look for more full featured editors. New User joined:Jan 5, posts votes: 0. Hey, It's probably pulling the text out of a file or a database.
If the program was written well, they would have stored the data in a seperate file or an sql DB. I can't teach you perl in a few minutes. But you might try this. Top Bottom. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.
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