Girl Scouts from each grade level have one official uniform item a sash, vest, or tunic to display badges, pins, awards, and other insignia. This item is required when you participate in ceremonies or officially represent Girl Scouts. You can wear your sash, vest, or tunic over official Girl Scout gear or over a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt.
Depending on grade level, official uniform items may be blue, brown, green, or khaki. Need help with where to place badges, pins, awards, and other insignia? Check out the Girl Scout uniform images below. Council Finder. Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council.
Members For Girl Scouts Uniforms. Girl Scout Uniforms. Where to Place Insignia. Daisy Insignia. Brownie Insignia. Junior Insignia. Cadette Insignia. Senior Insignia. Ambassador Insignia. Adult Insignia. Daisy Tunic Uniforms Classic fit with new sustainably sourced fabric.
Junior Sash Uniforms Classic fit with new sustainably sourced fabric. Brownie Sash Uniforms Classic fit with new sustainably sourced fabric. Khaki Vest Uniforms Classic fit with new sustainably sourced fabric.
Adult Navy Vest Uniforms Proudly showcase your insignia and awards. Cookie badges are shaped like other Girl Scout badges - triangular, round, diamond, rectangular, or stylized square depending on grade level. Daisies also have leaves that are associated with cookie sales that go on the front of the vest or tunic. It can be confusing with all the badges and fun patches. Is so, it is generally treated like a patch and goes on the back of the vest or sash.
However, if it is an award pin, or if there were a number of tasks necessary to earn the pin, then it may be worn on the front, along with other earned badges or awards. It is arc-shaped like a bridge and there are specific requirements to earn it. Juniors may also wear their Brownie Wings on the front of their vest. Question: Where does the Girl Scout early registration patch go on the daisy vest?
Answer: The early registration patch goes anywhere on the back of the Daisy vest. Does that go on the front or back of her Girl Scout Brownie sash?
Answer: I think I may be stumped! But, could this be a Council badge, specific to your local Council? If it is similar in appearance - size and shape - to other earned Brownie badges, then it would go on the front. If it is a skill builder badge, it would go on the right side of the vest. If the badge does not look similar in size and shape to other earned Brownie badges, then it is likely considered to be a fun patch, and so would go on the back of the vest or sash.
Since it is a fun patch, it goes anywhere on the back of the sash or vest. Answer: The sash typically is worn over the right shoulder down to the left hip, but I have had girls who preferred to wear theirs the other way for various reasons. Answer: The cookie pin is fuchsia in color, about an inch or so in size, in a rhombus shape. If the girl does not have membership stars, you can place the pin below the troop numerals. Some girls like to put all of their Try-it badges on the right side of their vest, starting at the hemline and working up, and their Journey badges on the left side of the vest.
But most girls run out of room and will put Try-its on the left side below Journey badges as well as on the right side. Question: Where does the Girl Scouts digital cookie patch go on the Daisy tunic? Answer: Since this is a fun patch, it can go anywhere on the back of the vest or tunic. Do they all go on the back of the vest?
Answer: If you run out of room on the front of the vest, you can place badges anywhere on the back. Also, if you group Journey badges on the left of the vest and proficiency badges on the right, and run out of room for proficiency badges, if is fine to place some on the same side as Journey badges.
Answer: These are both considered to be fun patches, and so go anywhere on the back of the vest or sash. Hi Heather, Wow! A special patch from the council CEO is a wonderful thing! There is no rule stating that such a patch must stay on a particular vest, so if your girl wants to move it to her Brownie uniform, I'd say go ahead and move it. She has a right to be proud of it! My girl got a special patch from our council's CEO last year and she really wants to move it over to her Brownie uniform.
Is that something we could do or do we have to leave it on her Daisy vest? Hi Roxanne, Thanks for your question! All product sales patches, like the Avatar patch, go on the back of the Daisy vest. I'm not familiar with any badge or patch called "Council Wide. Councils may also have a patch program, with "fun patches" given for certain activities.
If a fun patch, it can go anywhere on the back of the sash. Congrats to your granddaughter, Suzanne! I'm presuming that what you are sewing on to the vest are fun patches, not earned badges?
Fun patches can go anywhere on the back of the vest. Some girls like to try to group them together somehow, but most girls like the back of the vest to not be too fussy. You can simply start at the top and work your way down, row by row. Now, for earned badges, you'll sew them to the front of the vest. Place earned skill-builder badges along the bottom right side of the vest, going up in rows as more badges are earned.
On the left side of the vest, place earned Journey badges along the bottom, going up in rows. The Journey badges that are sets will go more towards the center of the vest, on the left side. If you are ever unsure, you can use just a few stitches to hold the badges until you are certain of their placement, and then stitch them in more securely later. Happy Scouting! Where should I begin to place them? Does it matter? Hi Maria, Yes, bridging awards generally transfers to the new uniform.
For example, Brownie "wings" or the Brownie Bridge arch will transfer to the Junior vest or sash. It will be placed below the Junior Bridge arch. The Cadette Bridge arch will be placed above the Junior arch, which will be placed above the Brownie arch or wings. Then, you'll add the Senior Bridge arch and finally the Ambassador arch.
Do the briging awards transfer from uniform to uniformn. From Brownies to juniors to cadets and so on? Hi Trica, I think you must have the Pax pin that is given to those who visit in person, and is not available for purchase in the shop. If the pin was given as a keepsake only, then it goes anywhere on the back of the vest or sash. If it was given as a special recognition or honor, perhaps in exchange for service performed by the Girl Scout, or for completing any number of activities or tasks, then it is worn on the front of the vest or sash, below other GS awards and above skill-builder badges on the girl's right side.
I'd probably place it near cookie pins, or at or below My Service My Faith pins. I asked about the placement of the Pax Lodge pin. It is the pin given at the pinning ceremony at Pax that both my daughter and I received last summer when we visited. At the time and for convenience there were 15 of us in the group getting the pins , hers was pinned by the American flag patch on her sash and mine was put under my Appreciation pin.
I hope this helps? I would attach a photo if I could! The Girl Scout Way badge is a Brownie badge that goes on the front of the vest or sash. Typically, Journey badges will go above skill-builder badges. Hi breenyc, I think you are referring to the GIRL fun patch, which goes anywhere on the back of the vest or sash. Are they triangular? If so, they are definitely the Brownie Try-ITs, whcich go onto the front of the vest. With Try-Its, you can get a little creative!
They can go on the lower edge, in a row, or you can make a pyramid with several of them, or you can place them so that they make a pattern of your choice.
They can also go on either or both sides of the vest, just like the Juniors do, I recommend starting the badges close to the bottom edge of the vest and working up, so that you have room for other insignia or Journey badges that your Girl Scout may earn. I'm a grandmother sewing my grandaughter's patches. Are the special placement for these badges such as: play fair and pet badge. Thank you. Hi GeorgeAllen, Thanks for your comment! The unicorn troop crest goes on the front of the uniform, just above the troop numbers and below any Council emblem or flag emblem.
If your troop does not use the Council or flag emblems, the crest still goes just above the troop numbers. If they are triangular in shape, they are Brownie try-its and would go on the front of the Brownie vest. If they are round, then they could be Council badges, and would still go on the front of the Junior vest, along with other earned badges.
I hope that helps! Where do the "sounds of music ", "Unicorn troop crest", and "working it out" badge go on the Junior girl scout vest? In some councils, girls have to earn the patch by completing requirements, but in others, it is givento the girls upon renewal of membership.
The way we are handling it is this: it is a patch,and so goes on the back of a sash or vest. Certainly, though, if your Council calls it a badge and has requirements to earn it, your troop can agree to place it on front. Thank you so much for your question! For lyn, I hope you see this!
Investiture, JL bday patches, Be a Reader, and any fun patches generally go on the back of the sash or vest. I will also be updating this article to better cover the Journey badges! Stay tuned! Tb trinity, I'm pretty sure it's correct! But you can certainly make your vest your own and come up with your own interpretation! You've provided useful information in a most interesting format. I'm going to share this hub with friends I know who have Girl Scouts in their families.
Nice work and layout - very very informative. I remember when I was a cub scout in grade school, and I was all proud of myself until I saw a brownie that had all these merit pins, bells, and whistles. I was all like, whatever - it did motivate me to accomplish more pins in the webelos scouts though. Voted you up and useful. It can be quite confusing! But there are commonalities between program age levels as far as where badges and pins are grouped and placed.
The big thing to remember that nobody will get too riled up if things aren't perfect. A parent or scout can also temporarily place badges with a stitch or two until she can get confirmation about placement, and then fuse them on once certain. That's a lot of information! It's quite confusing where badges and things go; I was a girl scout for a little while and I remember my mom putting badges on my vest.
Voted up! Camping with your Girl Scout troop builds memories and helps girls grow into leaders who love the outdoors. Teach girls how to plan their own trip. Learn how to organize a Girl Scout wide game. A fun wide game for any event, but an especially good game event to celebrate Juliette Low's birthday. Tips for successful Girl Scout camping.
Includes a useful leader's gear list. A bridging ceremony in Girl Scouts symbolizes moving to another level of Scouting. Cub Scout skits are fun to do. What are the alternatives to the Girl Scouts? This article provides a synopsis of several programs that rival the Girl Scouts along with links to them. I'm sharing with you some activity ideas to help girls earn their Daisy petal for "Honest and Fair," including games, crafts, trips, and songs.
A swap is a small handmade craft that scouts exchange with each other. Usually handmade, they include a pin for storage and often include information about the givers troop or location.
Ideas to engage girl scouts as they learn what it means to respect authority and earn their magenta daisy petal. Ideas to engage girls as they learn how to be friendly and helpful. There are a number of conservative Boy Scout alternatives—which one is right for you? Ideas to engage girls as they learn to be courageous and strong.
Baby Names. Having a Baby. Giving Birth. Family Relationships. Abuse Issues. Family Activities. Elementary School. Middle School. High School.
Youth Programs. Type Examples Placement Earned Awards Skill-builder badges, Journey badge sets, pins Front of the vest or sash Recognition Items Fun patches, unofficial emblems or pins Back of the vest of sash Insignia and Emblems Troop, council, and national insignia and emblems Left side of the vest over the heart ; pinned to the shirt if the Scout wears a sash. Read More From Wehavekids. Related Articles.