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Since the game is over when both balls escape, lets add an event for when our Ball leaves the room AKA the level.
Hit OK to finish editing the Ball object. Choose the music you loaded into the project, and then make Loop true, so that the song will keep playing. Since we want to draw something special instead of just displaying a single sprite, we need a new Draw event.
I also want my click sound to play whenever the user presses down the mouse button, no matter where the cursor is. Then from the Main1 tab, again drag the Play Sound action and attach the click sound you loaded into the project at the beginning. Lastly we want to check for the conditions to end the game. From the Control tab, drag over the Test Instance Count icon and set the object to Ball and count equal to 0.
This will runt he next action if the number of Balls in the level is equal to zero. We want to do more than one action for this case. For these kinds of action, the order DOES matter. Download Game Maker. Completed Tutorial 1. Sound Now for audio. The characters, the monsters, the balls, the walls, etc.
There might also be certain objects that you don't see but which control certain aspects of the game play. Please realize the difference between sprites and objects. Sprites are just animated images that don't have any behavior. Objects normally have a sprite to represent them but objects have behavior. Without objects there is no game!
Also realize the difference between objects and instances. An object describes a certain entity, e. There can be multiple instances of this object in the game. When we talk about an instance we mean one particular instance of the object. They can be given behaviors and they can react to certain events as well as to each other, and most of the things you see in a game are based on objects and their interactions.
Now, I say "based on" because you don't actually place objects directly into the game rooms, but rather you place instances of these objects which are basically copies or clones if you prefer of the object resource. This is a very important thing to remember as instances and objects are not the same thing and each have their own set of functions that can affect them.
In a game made with GameMaker: Studio , the characters, monsters, balls, walls, etc So when we talk about something affecting or changing an instance, we mean that one particular copy of an object in a room is being affected while all the rest are not, but when we talk about affecting or changing an object we mean that anything we do to it will be reflected in all the instances created from that point on too. So, the object is the template for the instance, and the instance is what we place in a room to make our game.
To create an object in your game, choose Create Object from the Resources menu or click the equivalent button on the toolbar and the following window will open:. At first glance this may seem rather confusing, but the window is split into sections and we shall cover each one individually so you can get an overview of what they are for. Starting on the left, there is some general information about the object, then in the middle there is the list of events moments in time for the object and the window to place the actions that are to be performed in those events, and finally on the right there are the actions themselves which you can select for the object to perform, grouped under different tabs for ease of use.
Events and actions will be discussed in more detail in following sections of the manual. If you have "Uses Physics" selected then there will be another part visible in this window related to the physics options, but more on that later! As you would expect, you can and should always give your object a name. Next you can choose the sprite for the object should you wish it to have one. To this end, click with the left mouse button on the sprite box or the menu button next to it and a pop-up dialogue will appear with a list of all the available sprites from the resource tree, then just select the one you want to use for the object.
You can also drag a sprite resource from the resource tree and drop it onto the object sprite properties and it will be added to the object that way. If you do not have an appropriate sprite yet, you can click the button New to create a new sprite resource and edit it as you wish, just as if you had created the resource through the standard creation options, only now when you click "Ok", it will automatically be assigned to the object that you had open when you started to create it.