We will customize our manual to suit your business. A customized manual will address your businesses specific operational requirements and limitations as well as the security measures that have been designed to mitigate your risk and exposure. We will use your company logos, pictures and management messages to complete the visual customization of this professionally designed manual.
Contact a Consultant today to find out more about this exciting product. C-TPAT is a program through which businesses win, governments win, and most importantly, the American people win. Bonner, April 16, Use of this website signifies your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. A voluntary partnership between the. Government and members of the trade based on the Oct 12, Quarterly Procedure Audits. Prior Disclosure. Chapter 9 — Staff Certifications and Training. Certifications and Licensure. Security Procedures.
Point of Origin. C-TPAT Consolidators must ensure business partners develop security processes and procedures consistent with the C-TPAT security guidelines to enhance the integrity of the shipment at point.
Incorporate high-level management support,. Have written policies and procedures that govern their use,. Employs a system of checks and balances, and.
Have measures in place to ensure continuity. Note many of these items are above and beyond the minimum security criteria, and some have been previously identified as Best Practices. Program, such as domestic highway carriers in the U. Aug 1, Table of Contents: 1. Special Payment Terms. C-TPAT Third party logistics providers must ensure business partners develop security processes and procedures consistent with the C-TPAT security guidelines to enhance the integrity of the shipment at point of origin.
Chain Security Programs. May 15, While these recommendations may not be applicable to all, every international supplier should at least have a written security procedure plan in place. Questions or incidents concerning U. Procedures for the issuance, removal and changing of access devices e.