Ebola virus electron microscope

The Ebola virus—which has five known strains—attacks the body's immune system, hijacks cells and weakens blood vessels, leading to shock and multi-organ failure. Like all viruses, an understanding of the unique structure is critical to the pursuit of successful therapies. From the time of infection to onset of symptoms is two to 21 days.

You are not infectious until you develop symptoms. The first symptoms are like the flu - fever, fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. It stops the immune system from making antibodies and then starts copying itself like crazy. The virus grows uncontrollably and infects and destroys the organs and turns them into mush. In this case, some of the filamentous virions are fused together, end-to-end, giving the appearance of a "bowl of spaghetti.

Magnification: approximately x40, Ebola virions image 2 colorized 1 , diagnostic specimen from the first passage in Vero cells of a specimen from a human patient — this image is from the first isolation and visualization of Ebola virus, Download Large JPG.

Ebola virions image 2 colorized 2 , diagnostic specimen from the first passage in Vero cells of a specimen from a human patient — this image is from the first isolation and visualization of Ebola virus, Ebola virus infected Vero cell, with virions budding from the plasma membrane at 2 days post infection.

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