It is not necessary to have an image in each frame. The keyframe after normal frames will produce good animation. By doing this, you can use that drawing multiple times in your frame. You can have multiple instances of the same drawing to create your scene with ease. Step 7: You can add some blank frames by clicking on the F5 key times. This will add some blank frames after the first keyframe. Step 8: After some blank frames are created, we need to create your second keyframe.
This can be created by copy your existing keyframe and doing small modifications to it. We can also create a blank frame and insert a new image in it. In this way, we can use art from another program.
To create a keyframe, click on F6. After we had created the second keyframe, we need to make small adjustments to the image to give the effect of motion. We need to make sure that all frames are arranged in the logical sense to form an animation.
Step 9: After we had created all major frames, we need to repeat these frames again in a logical manner to finish the animation. Try to make a small systematic change in your animation. This will provide realistic art to your animation work. Adobe Flash provides a function called tweeting, with the help of which we can create the start and endpoint of an object. Flash will then move or transform the object according to the profile or path provided by the user.
We can use only a single object in a frame to form an animation. To create tweening of multiple objects, we need to have multiple frames. Step 1: For tweening, we need to create an object for animation. But before adding any object, you need to add one layer as a background layer. Create the first layer as a background layer and lock it. Now create the second layer, and this is the layer from where you can start creating your animation. You can import an image as an object.
But take care that you import that image in vector form. By vector image, you can easily scale it without degrading image quality.
Step 2: In order to tween, convert the object created as a symbol. This is the format in which Flash can manipulate any object.
By doing this, 24 frames will be added to the timeline. This is the default length of a tween. These 24 frames will take one second to complete. Step 4: After creating the tween, we need to specify the path or trajectory line to move an object from one location to another. When we first create a trajectory, it will come as a straight line. The trajectory line will appear as a dotted line. Not Helpful 3 Helpful 8. In the tabs at the the top, you choose "Control" and then "Test Movie.
Not Helpful 9 Helpful Not Helpful 3 Helpful 6. Yes, you have to download the macromedia flash software. You can find it on Google. Do I have to pay for the animation program? And can you suggest me some other animation programs too? Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. You can set the amount of FPS Frames per second by using the selection tool, and having nothing highlighted, then click the menu under "Actions", to bring that up, and in the upper right corner, there is the set amount of FPS that is for Flash 8. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1.
Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1. There is also what is called FBF or Frame By Frame Animation which is drawing one picture on one frame and then drawing that picture's next "movement" on the next frame. If you keep on doing that, you can create a very smooth animation with skill. However, this method takes a lot of time, and therefore patience.
Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Play with Flash; try every button and option you see to understand its effects. This way, when you actually want to create something with Flash, you will know how. When working on a Flash project, save frequently, like any other project. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Facts and Alternatives. Can You Still Download Flash? Emulators and Flash Alternatives How to. Each letter can be scaled or rotated in its own layer, creating individual animations of the letters.
Publish to a SWF file when you are finished. Create a document in ActionScript 2. This will break the text into separate texts with each letter. This will distribute every single part to a single layer. This will help in our animation later. This will convert the texts to shapes. Once finished, drag and select all the shapes to make sure all are broken into shapes. On the Layer of the letter D, click on the black dot to bring up the submenu, then select Create Motion Tween.
As you create your animation, insert new key frames small black dots for each transformation in the timeline. Watch the video to see how I did it if you have any problems here.