You are required by Title 16, California Code of Regulations section , to notify the Board of a change of address within 30 days of the change. Renewal Period - Licenses are valid for two 2 years from the assigned renewal date not the issue date. First-time Licensure for Engineers and Land Surveyors: The application fee includes licensure through the first renewal quarter after the license is issued. Approximately one 1 to two 2 months after being notified of licensure, first-time licensees will receive a renewal notice for payment of the full renewal fee.
Once renewed, the license will be valid for an additional two 2 years. The renewal month and day will remain the same until the license is retired, canceled, or revoked.
Once renewed, the license will be due for renewal on a two 2 year cycle. Renew on Time to Avoid Penalty : Renewing on time will save you a delinquent penalty fee equal to half of the current renewal fee.
If your renewal payment is submitted after the grace period, the penalty fee must be submitted with the renewal fee. Engineers have a day grace period. Land Surveyors, Geologists, and Geophysicists have a day grace period. The grace period only applies to the fee you have to pay to renew your license. If you do not pay your renewal fee by the expiration date, your license will be considered expired.
You cannot legally practice under your license until proper payment for each license is received and processed by BPELSG. It is illegal to practice, offer to practice, or use any restricted titles with an expired license, including during the grace period. Delinquent License : A license is delinquent between the first day after the grace period and up to five 5 years after the grace period. A delinquent license can be brought up to date by paying all accrued and unpaid renewal and delinquency fees.
If your license is five 5 or more years delinquent, you cannot renew and will need to go through the application process to acquire a new license. The information in License Lookup will update within 24 hours as well. If you submitted payment by check or money order the renewal will take much longer to process. Paper Pocket Certificate: Paper pocket certificate cards are sent out automatically by the Department of Consumer Affairs once a license is renewed. Ongoing travel restrictions and exam location challenges have made it difficult to establish and plan the administration of the exams in Southern California.
We understand the importance of these examinations and apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Read the Department's Fraud Scam Alert for more information about the scam and tips on how to avoid and report fraud scams. Starting January 1, , individuals in the following categories who apply for licensure by the Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists may seek an expedited licensure process.
Refugees pursuant to section of title 8 of the United States Code; Those granted asylum by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General of the United States pursuant to section of title 8 of the United States Code; or, Individuals with a special immigrant visa that have been granted a status pursuant to section of Public Law , Public Law , or section b of title VI of division F of Public Law Quick Hits.
Gavin Newsom Governor State of California. Lourdes M.