However, just from your error message it means the msi is not there for further use. I've started the uninstall process also from the VSSP1 installation files and I have the same error. The content you requested has been removed. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Is there a way to make the Forward Compatibility Update, uhm Improve this question.
Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Cheeso Cheeso k 96 96 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Why don't you have the original installation media? Everything matches this: software. Hans - sort of; there's no discussion of the problem I'm having, and of course no solution either.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. I made this steps to check out what can break the install. Improve this answer. Wael Wael 2 2 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges.
I read those blogs and I was trying to do that. My question centers on problems associated to that set of steps. Problem 1: I don't have the original VS install media.
Problem 2: when I install the FCU, it doesn't actually make any difference. Answering my own question Also, to re-iterate, the installation order I used to get the Forward Compatibility Update to install, was the same as has been suggested elsewhere on this question, and also elsewhere on the internet: VS Team Explorer VS SP1 Forward Compatibility Update. I hope this helps someone else. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Ramakrishnan discussions. Excellent, fixed my problem in no time.
Allowed me to repair my current installation. Hi , I want to install VSTS in my machine , and suddenly in between the installation , my system got shut down. And i am getting the same error. How to fix this problem any clue. I was running into the same problem with Tried to reapply SP1 failed. Couldn't uninstall it. Installed and everything worked correctly after that.