Tv series bible template

This checklist also includes a sample template. Once your series bible is complete, how do you actually use it? First, I like to go back through the story summaries before I begin writing the next book in the series. This can help refresh your memory about series arcs, story arcs, bread crumbs or story threads that need to be carried through, and more. Next, I like to reference my included style guide just as a quick refresher on the capitalizations and style I used in my novel.

As you begin working on the rough draft of a new book in your series, it can be helpful to have your series bible handy. It can be on your desk or open in a tab on your computer. As you come across a question during your writing e.

Or three? Alternately, you can mark a spot in your rough draft where you have a question and go back and look for the answer in your series bible later. Either way, the primary purpose of your series bible is to act as a resource for the facts of your world.

Another potential use of your series bible is as a collaborative tool with your editor or beta readers. This is another reason I like to use a web-based series bible.

It makes it easy for my beta readers and editors to also search inside my document when they want to fact-check something in the book.

Choose a color for your new book to distinguish it from the other books so far, add the color to your overall key at the front of your series bible, and go through your latest book to identify characters, places, rules, skills, and other information that was introduced or altered in the book that you believe will or may have an effect on subsequent books in this series. Featured In. Like it? Share it! July 7, at Script Reader Pro says:. July 9, at MG says:.

June 28, at November 23, at Ramsi says:. July 22, at Saint Pius says:. May 22, at Richard Fletcher says:. May 9, at May 18, at AM says:. April 23, at May 6, at Jeff milne says:. March 15, at March 17, at Erik says:. March 13, at Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Search 10 Years of Help. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Accept Reject Read More. It's called a "serial plot".

TV shows used to hit the reset button after each week. This is called "Episodic". As audiences 'binge' on TV shows, more shows maintained one if not many through-lines. Serial plots are built for the binge. Laying out future episode concepts is where you'll get to show your story engine in action. You need to decide: is your plot serial or episodic? Can you feed ideas into the story engine and get compelling plots? Can you send Data to a planet where his quest to be human will come into conflict with his necessary actions?

Or with an antagonist? Can you introduce a relationship problem for one of the guys that Jess will try and help with only to create a much bigger, and sillier, problem? The easier it is to rattle off strong episode concepts using your characters and story engine, the stronger your show. At the same time, if you're struggling here then you should take a step back, and give that story engine a tune-up! The Wire had some characters return, but each season would examine a different part of the world.

A season about the public schools, a season about the docks, a season about the newspaper. Another way to look at future seasons is what major plot points you want to address. What is the CORE of your show? Is it about young single roommates? Then significant plot points along the way would involve new partners. Or major breakups. In Mad Men major plot points of future seasons revolved around the ad agency's major clients.

Another source for turning points was Don Draper's secret identity coming to light. What were the "who" and the "conflict"? Say the "who" is a family and the conflict is an alien that comes to live with them. A future season might focus on a new neighbor. It might also focus on the Alien taking a trip back to his homeworld. Your logline is the show's DNA. It should be strong enough to help inform all other decisions.

Is the show about a kingdom in a civil war? A future season could be about a new faction coming to power. Or a temporary peace treaty. If your show has any multi-season arcs you will address that in the TV show pitch bible.

AMC's Breaking Bad is about a chemistry teacher who starts cooking meth to save extra money. Future seasons show him start to deal the drug. Then eventually work with the cartel. She has an affair. He gets kicked out of the house.

These sorts of points along the timeline are the perfect types of things to include when outlining a future season. Future seasons section could also include how you see the series coming to a close. How will everything wrap up in the end? Your show could be about a wandering band of nomads in a post-apocalyptic future. At the end of season two, the leader of the group dies. That the author you has ideas that will span many seasons and keep the show on air?

You've covered a lot of ground in your tv show bible. From the pilot to future seasons. Yet as populated as your show is, there is still so much more you can bring to it. We talked about tone, and if you want this would be a great place to add your tone section if it isn't implicit already. You could also have a section to talking about the "look and feel" of your world.

Do you have artwork? In the Freaks and Geeks tv show bible, there are listings of the music each social group would like. Consequently they list every major band or artist of the era and clarify if the freaks, the geeks, or both listen to it.

Freaks and Geeks populates its series bible with details about each character's wardrobe. Which two pairs of pants does Lindsey rotate throughout a typical week? The show bible has a section on things you might see in the background. These snippets create a visual and auditory world in the show bible's final section.

We've read about all their characters and episode concepts. Now before we're done with the bible we experience it. What is it like to walk the halls of this high school? Yet another section goes on to discuss the types of cars the kids drive, or are around on the street. The commitment to world-building here is impressive and never boring.

We're talking about a high school in the midwest in It doesn't matter though. Because great writing, great story, and great world building can happen anywhere. You made it to the end! Now you're ready to write your TV show pitch bible.

Furthermore, you know what it takes to write one that will sell. Our free template will help you walk that perfect line between a "pitch" and a "bible". Fill out the sections, populate it with your own inspired art, and you'll have both a roadmap AND a presentation.

Now it's time to write the actual show. Check out our next post on how to format a screenplay, and get writing! Manage video production timelines, tasks, storyboards, shot lists, breakdowns, call sheets. Made for video creatives, new media and film. Previous Post. Next Post. A visual medium requires visual methods. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques.

More and more people are flocking to the small screen to find daily entertainment. So how can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen?

Skip to content. Download the template. The secret element is what makes the pitch bible so useful. Here is a fun and super transparent example of what I'm talking about: In HBO's Game of Thrones there are certain 'secrets' about main characters. Jon Snow knows nothing about his own secrets. However, the show bible knows. Yet approach your show bible with some of that devotion to depth, detail, and world building Seasonal anthology series in which police investigations unearth the personal and professional secrets of those involved, both within and outside the law.

Ken Miyamoto has worked in the film industry for nearly two decades, most notably as a studio liaison for Sony Studios and then as a script reader and story analyst for Sony Pictures. He has many studio meetings under his belt as a produced screenwriter, meeting with the likes of Sony, Dreamworks, Universal, Disney, Warner Brothers, as well as many production and management companies.

Follow Ken on Twitter KenMovies. Genre-Specific Notes. Preparation Notes. Learn More. Blog Featured. What are the best examples of TV series bibles that screenwriters can learn from? More info coming soon Remind Me. Facebook Comments. Free Download!


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