The sims 3 showtime tesco

How high of a score can your Sim get? Sims will get better as they play more, and the tricks gone wrong will definitely decrease too! If the trick fails, the ball will fall off the table! If the trick fails, Mr. Gnome will spin and whip the ball back in your face! A blast from the past! Watch out on those high speeds though, you will get thrown out! Your Sim has a chance of coming home with a variety of goodies, including the Genie Lamp!

Teens to Elders can have a little fun on the green while they keep their physique in check. Inexperienced Sims will miss the ball when swinging, break windows audio and even break their golf club! When Sims golf on a particular range, it will keep score of who has hit the farthest. Complete details and the current record holder are kept track of. Bring on the normal, silly and romantic photos! Children and Teens can pack the booth, and take all the crazy photos their hearts desire!

Adult couples that are in love can take romantic photos, and even WooHoo in the Photo Booth! Be careful with those WooHoo photos!

Sims should destroy all the evidence! All photos that Sims take in the Photo Booth will be automatically added to their Inventory. You can then click and drag them out to display. Sims can use the DJ Booth as a way to let loose after a long day at work or school, or they can Moonlight as a DJ to make some extra cash!

Your Sims can take the DJ Booth out into the community via their inventory. Other Sims can watch the DJ and request music. Are your Sims competitive? Are your Children and Teens arguing about who can beat who? Well make sure you add one of the Arcade Games to your house and let the competitions begin!

Has a little too much Nectar? Have your Teens and Adults hop on the awesome Mechanical Bull! This bull is sure to add loads of fun to any community or residential lot! Watch out though, the bull might own you! Can you conquer the bull?

The Box of Mystery is available to Magicians at Level 3 of their career, so just pull it out of their inventory, and place it on the ground. The Photo Booth can found in Buy Mode, so purchase it and rock the camera! Check out two videos below of Sims in action! Magicians who use the Box of Danger to perform tricks, also run a chance of being buried alive…literally! Ghosts will appear invisible, with a grey-ish tone.

Death by Magic, can strike at any time! There are a total of four ways for you to bring the powers of the Genie into your household. The Genie Lamp is indestructible. Head on over to the cemetery in your town after midnight, and Explore the Catacombs!

The chances of coming back with the Genie Lamp are extremely rare, but it is possible if your Sim is lucky! Sims will return with many different items from these adventures, but there is only a rare chance in finding and bringing back the Genie Lamp. There are a number of admirers that will attend your Concerts, but one of those admirers will offer your Sim a unique gift, which can be retrieved through your home mailbox.

Once a Genie Lamp is present in a household, it can be used by any member of the home. Genie Lamps are not owner specific, but if you worked hard to get it, make sure no one else uses your wishes! Genies need to rest after every wish, so you are only allowed one wish every 12 hours. There are a total of 11 wishes for you to choose from, with the 11th wish available to Sims with the Evil Trait. You can take your Genie out for night in town, be romantic with them, or make them your best friend.

This wish beautifies your Sim permanently, giving them a better chance to execute Romantic Interactions successfully. Cannot be wished for twice. This wish adds a whopping , Simoleons to your household fund. You will need to complete a number of steps to successfully free the Genie. Explained Below. This moodlet will last until the Sim Tries for a baby. The attempt for baby will result in triplets every time. If complete the following steps, you will be able to free the Genie and make it a controllable member of your household.

Once you select this wish, you will be greeted with an opportunity to complete. Once you have accepted this opportunity, you will need to complete a series of steps to completely free the Genie. The Genie is now a member of your household, and has the same needs as all other Sims. Ensorcelling a Sim adds then to your Household for four hours, and removes all autonomy from the Sim.

The powers a born genie will have are the same as their parent. They will not be able to grant wishes, but they do have the full powers of any freed from the lamp Genie. Genie offspring also carry on their genes, and have the opportunity to pass on their powers to their children later in life. Sims 3 Showtime is all about the newest professions! Will your Sims rise to the top? As you progress throughout your profession, your Sims will audition for gigs and many of them will turn into steady gigs!

Click your Sims to give them their very own Stage Name , so they stand out in front of the rest! The more expertise your Sim acquires, the better chance they have of being asked to perform at Big Show Venues. Dramatic, Athletic and Flexible? Acrobats use their bodies to perform tricks that stun, dazzle and amuse audience after audience.

Your Sims will often receive a new career outfit, which can be completely customized. A World Class Acrobat performs all types of physical feats. Learning to mime, teaches balance and body control. Work Hours: Open work hours. The word is spreading, and Sims are coming from all over town to see you perform. Keep practicing and performing, and opportunity will soon come knocking. Added Interactions : Contortion — Perform Contortion. Adding astounding contortion to your act amazed audiences.

Reward : Balance Ball Sim Inventory. With your balancing act added to the miming, juggling and twirling, your versatility is truly impressive…as is your new stage outfit!

Your fiery performances are the hottest ticket in town! All your hard work and dedication are finally paying off, and you earned it! Your feats of strength and daring are legendary, and your shows are standing room only! Work Hours : Open work hours. Following the path of magic and illusions will never fail to be exciting and unpredictable! Amaze the large crowds and small children with sense defying tricks.

A love of the unknown and a disregard for death, will take one as far as the Magician. Your dream of becoming Master Magician begins with a wand, a coin, and a deck of cards. Keep practicing and performing for tips. These downloadable codes are produced by the game's developer and are therefore original. These codes have no expiry date. Downloadable Content or DLC products - You must have the original game in-order to play this expansion.

Goede service, altijd snel. Suggested Products 20 Products. Go Back To Category. This product s has been added to your shopping cart. Also interesting. Check Out. Register or login. Add to cart Added Adding Pay Attention! Dit is een fysiek product en zal via de post worden verstuurd. Dit is een ticket product. Check the boxes to be able to purchase this product. In addition to building your career, you'll create the perfect venue where your Sim will perform regularly before adoring audiences.

And, for the first time, you can take your Sim out of your world and into a friend's game, or you can invite others into your world and let them perform at your personal venue. Your Sim is ready for the big time and opportunity is knocking. Can you handle the fame? Or will you crack under the pressure? Find out if your Sim is the next big thing or nothing more than a one-hit wonder. Watch your Sims rise to fame - or go down in flames as they perform for other Sims. Using the new individual in-game news feeds, messaging, and live updates, post your Sims' successes, share gameplay techniques, create wishlists and gifts, search for new friends and share memories.

New achievements will be introduced on a regular basis. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work, but may run comparatively slower. Please note that the GMA class of integrated video cards, and GeForce and cards are not supported.

This game will only run on macOS versions that support bit applications. HDD: At least 6. The game will be available to play only if you have not updated your operating system.


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